Seán Patrick Cardinal O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap.

Cardinal Seán Patrick Cardinal O’Malley, OFM Cap. is the ninth bishop and sixth archbishop in the more than 200 year history of the Archdiocese of Boston.
He was born in Lakewood, Ohio, June 29, 1944, son of the late Theodore and Mary Louise (Reidy) O’Malley. He attended St. Gabriel and Sacred Heart Elementary Schools in Pennsylvania and St. Fidelis High School, a high school seminary conducted by the Capuchin fathers, in Butler, Pa.
He prepared for the priesthood at St. Fidelis Seminary, also in Butler, and at the Capuchin College in Washington, D.C. He was professed on July 14, 1965 in the Capuchin Order, a religious order dedicated to following in the tradition of St. Francis of Assisi.
On Aug. 29, 1970, Pittsburgh’s Auxiliary Bishop John B. McDowell ordained him a priest of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin. He then went on to earn a master’s degree in religious education and a doctorate in Spanish and Portuguese Literature, both at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., where he also taught from 1969 to 1973.
In 1973 he began serving as Executive Director of El Centro Catolico Hispano in the Washington Archdiocese before being named Episcopal Vicar for the Hispanic, Portuguese and Haitian communities and executive director of the archdiocesan Office of Social Ministry in 1978. It was during these early days of his priesthood that Cardinal O’Malley developed a strong commitment to the issues of social justice and care for new immigrants.
Pope John Paul II appointed him as coadjutor bishop of the Diocese of St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands on May 30, 1984. The Most Rev. Edward J. Harper, CSSR, the bishop of St. Thomas assisted by Washington’s Archbishop James A. Hickey and one of the capital city’s auxiliary bishops, Bishop Eugene Marino, SSJ, ordained him a bishop on Aug. 2, 1984 at the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul in St. Thomas, V.I. He became the diocesan bishop of the Caribbean diocese, succeeding Bishop Harper, on Oct. 16, 1985.
On June 16, 1992 Pope John Paul II announced the appointment of Bishop O’Malley as the sixth bishop of Fall River. At the time, the Fall River Diocese was reeling in the aftermath of the case of Father James Porter, one of the first high-profile clergy abuse cases in the country.
Cardinal O’Malley was installed at the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption on Aug. 11, 1992, the Feast of St. Clare, a Franciscan feast day. As Bishop of Fall River, he was widely credited with bringing healing to the diocese following the Porter scandal, settling over 100 clergy abuse cases, meeting with victims and instituting a “zero-tolerance policy” for clergy accused of abuse of minors.
During his 10 years in Fall River, he was involved with the wider community both within the diocese itself and in the Commonwealth. He was active in the work of the Massachusetts Catholic Conference, especially on pro-life issues.
While Bishop of Fall River, he was appointed by Pope John Paul II to the Special Assembly for Oceania of the Synod of Bishops, which was held at the Vatican in the fall of 1998. He has also served as Apostolic Visitator for several seminaries in Central America and the Caribbean.
On Sept. 3, 2002, Pope John Paul II named him to be the fourth Bishop of the Diocese of Palm Beach, Florida, which had seen its previous bishop resign six months earlier after admitting to abuse of minors. He was installed at the Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola in Palm Beach Gardens on Oct. 19, 2002.
After less than a year in Palm Beach, on July 1, 2003, Pope John Paul II appointed him the Archbishop of Boston, which at the time was experiencing its own clergy abuse scandal that had resulted in the resignation of Cardinal Bernard Law.
Cardinal O’Malley was installed archbishop on July 30, 2003 at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross. He immediately set about meeting with victims of clergy sexual abuse, settling new and pending cases, and implementing mandatory child safety training programs. He gained world-wide attention for his decision in April 2004 to sell millions of dollars’ worth of archdiocesan property, including the archbishop’s mansion, to settle clergy abuse claims.
Pope Benedict XVI elevated him to cardinal at the consistory held March 24, 2006 and gave him the titular church of Santa Maria della Vittoria. The Holy Father also named him a member of the Congregation for the Clergy and the Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life.
During a trip to Rome to take formal possession of his titular church in September 2006, Cardinal O’Malley became the first cardinal in the world to launch a personal blog,, which he continues to update weekly.
In the late 2000’s, with the immediate effects of the clergy abuse crisis in Boston largely passed, Cardinal O’Malley turned his attention to the long-term spiritual and fiscal health of the archdiocese. He implemented plans to conserve parish resources, launched the Campaign for Catholic Schools aimed at strengthening and expanding the existing schools, and stabilized the archdiocese’s lay-employee and clergy pension systems as well as the clergy health and retirement funds.
He has also put a great emphasis on vocations and outreach of the Church to youth, including expanding the archdiocese’s use of the Internet and social media and encouraging participation in pilgrimages to the International World Youth Days and the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C.
After the unexpected resignation of Pope Benedict in 2013, Cardinal O’Malley found himself the subject of international media attention when Vatican observers began to speculate that he could be chosen by his fellow cardinals as the next pope.
Shortly after Pope Francis’s March 2013 election, the Holy Father selected Cardinal O’Malley to be the only North American member of his Council of Cardinal Advisors — commonly called the “Group of 9” or simply the “G9” — who advise the Holy Father on the restructuring of the Roman Curia. The council began its meetings in October 2013 and continues meet regularly with the Holy Father every two months. Pope Francis has also asked him to lead the Vatican’s Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, which held its first meeting in May 2014.
Cardinal O’Malley is an active member of the United States Catholic Conference of Catholic Bishops and he currently serves as outgoing chairman of their Committee Pro-Life Activities. Previously, he headed the Commission on Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations. He is also a member of the USCCB Administrative Board, a member of the committees on Migration and Pro-Life Activities and the subcommittees on the Church in Africa and the Church in Latin America.
Throughout his years as bishop, Cardinal O’Malley has served on numerous other commissions and committees, including Missions (of which he was chairman), Priestly Formation, Hispanic Affairs, Migration, as well as serving on the board of directors for Catholic Relief Services, the Association for the Development of the Catholic University of Portugal and on the board of trustees of his alma mater, The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.
73 responses to “Cardinal Seán’s Profile”
Hello from a Diocese of Palm Beach parishoner.
Cardinal Sean,
I must say when I first visited this page and realized that you had a blog I laughed, but then I realized if any cardinal would have a blog it would be you. I love the idea that I can read your words of wisdom whenever I have time. I was saddened to hear that I missed your visit to my school, Emmanuel College. I remember when you were Bishop of Fall River. Such great memories were held there, especially the “Bishop’s days off” which I believe you had started. At my old high school, as silly as this sounds, we were worried if the new Bishop would continue the time honored tradition, he did. We were very lucky to have you in our presence. You were greatly missed and still a great part of our lives.
For so long my wife and I have admired and prayed for you.
Thank you for bearing such a cross and hope for us.
Your Eminence,
I want to show my heart felt support for the way you have lead the Archdiocese of Boston in troubled times.
I worked at the Attorney General’s Office during the abuse scandal, and it was personally very difficult to witness. But now I see new life in the church and really feel good about our future.
A friend in CHRIST JESUS,
Dear Cardinal Sean:
I was privileged last week to take photographs during the Mass you celebrated at St. Anthony’s Church in Revere on October 14. The Mass celebrated the Fifth Anniversary of the successful suppression and merger of the former St. Anthony, St. John Vianney, and St. Teresa churches in the city.
You and any interested visitors to the Blog could view the slide show I put together by pasting this link into the internet browser
Your presence at St. Anthony’s was a blessed event in the history of our Parish for which we are all grateful.
Robert Marra, Revere
Your Eminence,
I very much enjoy your blog. What a wonderful way to evangelize. Saint Paul would be be very impressed. Continue doing a great job in the Archdiocese of Boston.
God’s Peace,
Father Bellopede
Archdiocese of Philadelphia
Pastor, Saint Paul Parish, Philadelphia, PA
Cardinal Sean,
This blog is so cool. It is so neat to see that you are a real person just like me. I am only 27 but you write and talk just like me even though you are way smarter and way holier than I am!:-)
Thank you for your service and your amazing example. And I’m sure you never think of such things but perhaps you’ll be a saint someday. You are definitely different than any Bishop I’ve ever heard of. The Church needs, needs, needs, more people like you. I’ll pray for that, and for you. You make me proud to be Roman Catholic. Your brother in Jesus Christ. Joe
Dear Cardinal Sean,
I remember the day I read of your being chosen to lead the Boston Archdiocese during their time of crisis and how my heart went out to you as you humbly accepted your new assignment while acknowledging the enormity of the task before you…Today, my heart goes out to you in joy and in love and in thanksgiving for the wonderful job you have done (and are doing) as you continue to reach out to the people and remind them of how much God loves them all. You are a true gift, to Boston, to America, and to people of good will throughout the whole world. Pax et bonum!!
Cardinal Sean,
I am so happy to be a Catholic. My religion is the only religion with an unbroken link for 2,000 years. Noone else can claim this. I love my Pope, the Vatican, the history behind my faith. If people only found the history behind our church, and Catholisism, they would realize the truth and they would run to a Catholic church. The holy Mass, The Eucharist, The Sacraments, everything is in The holy Bible. The Blessed Virgin, The Rosary etc…I thank JESUS for guiding me in my faith. Thank you for giving your life to Our LORD. You were well chosen. GOD Bless. Jen
Cardinal Sean, I hope you remember me. I wrote to you a few times, I was the one with the JESUS stationary. I thought you were a great Archbishop, and now I am happy you are a Cardinal. I feel many good things are destined for you. I wish you well. I am a truly devout Roman Catholic proud of my faith and I am a defender of my religion and of CHRIST. Remember I wrote to you about my calling from Padre Pio two years ago, I wanted to tell you of a locution I had two weeks before Lent. GOD exists, and I am a living witness. I am an intelligent woman and mother, and to have this happen to me was a gift from GOD. Please e-mail me back so that I may tell you. I want to tell the whole world about GOD. My heart aches at the love I have for him. Thank you. A friend in CHRIST JESUS, Stefany.
Dear Cardinal Sean,
I am from Ireland and I think that your “Blog” is a great idea.
I remember a neighbour once telling me that though there was a shortage of Priests that the whole neighbourhood felt comforted when they would see a Priest just walking in their area.
I feel that your presence here on the Internet is a comfort to all God’s people everywhere. The internet can be a lonely place eventhough there is so much information on it. when I see your “blog” I feel comforted just like the neighbourhood who saw the Priest passing by.
I wish you the Blessing and protection of Almighty God and Our Lady and that you might be encouraged and not tormented by too much administration, so you can walk among God’s people and comfort them.
Best wishes
Brendan Walsh
Dear Cardinal Sean,
Thank you so much for making us all part of your trip to Italy.
It was really wonderful.
Padre Pio was responsible for a wonderful miracle in our family last year so it was a wonderful present to learn so much about him and your trip.
God Bless,
Mary Hoover — Fall River Diocese
Your Eminence,
Congratulations for being the first Cardinal to have his own blog! You are continuing the great tradition of the Early Fathers, albeit in a very up-to-date medium. In some ways it was a good thing there weren’t any blogs or email during the Church’s formative years: The Romans would’ve wiped us all out!
I pray that you will continue this service to all Catholics and Christians for a long time to come. It’s time we Catholics started to make inroads with the so-called “seeker crowd,” and your blog will assist the Church greatly in this necessary endeavor.
Although I’m Catholic, it’s a great privilege for me to be a volunteer sexton at my family’s local (First) Baptist church in Amherst, MA. Unofficially speaking, I guess you could dub me a “missionary” to all my beloved evangelical brothers and sisters; if for nothing else than to show them that Catholics are a pretty nice bunch after all.
Somebody has to untangle their version of Church history. It might as well be a Church history buff like myself.
So far I’ve managed to convince more than a handful that some pretty interesting things (besides the Crusades) happened between Constantine’s reign and Luther’s 95 theses.
In any event, may God’s Blessings be upon you, the Church, your arcdiocese and your blog!
Steven Barrett, aka “papistbaptist” of the Amherst area.
Cardinal Sean,
The idea for your blog is an inspirational
idea. I am sure it will help many people.
Lucky (John J.Riley,M.A.,M.Div.)
Your Eminence,
I love your blog! I am 14 years old and I love reading blogs, so when I found out about your blog, I visited your site right away. I’m glad I did! This is an amazing blog and I really enjoy reading about your experiences. Keep it up! God bless you!
Much love and many prayers,
L. Robeck
love your new blog/diary, your Eminence. It was always a treat when you came to st. tarcisius in framingham…. nice to have you back in boston. 100 years ago, a man named william O’malley gave the property to Fr. Maschi to build his church.
O’malley had vacant property and gave it to the church.
Wondering if he was related… Lots of O’Malleys, but this man was my grandmother’s uncle and she was born in 1862. How old would O’Malley. When I see your face in pictures, i always think of my mom’s Uncle Marty Carr, my grandmother’s brother. Who knows, you might have been related.St Tarcisius, nor our town library has any record of the donation of wm. o’malley to st tarcisius. I shall keep on searching…
God Bless You Your Eminence and keep you well and happy.
You are a treat and a regular guy.
Thought you would llike to know that we have the NeoCats going strong. Would like more members… But we keep on truckin.
Your Eminence,
I have been looking forward to reading your homily from the Mass for Padre Pio but seem unable to find it, is it available to read…. please.Its was great to be with you on your journey
God bless You
Your Eminence,
I read about your blog in “The Long Island Catholic” today. Thanks for sharing your trip to Rome and your photos.
My youngest daughter now lives in the Boston area with her husband and two young children. After attending Boston College she never wanted to return home.
Thank you for your tireless efforts to create stability in the Boston church. Many times I wondered how the Church in Boston would be able to survive this crisis. Thank you for being at the helm in this critical time. May God continue to bless you and keep you.
Peace and love,
Mary, SFO
Your Eminence. Nice website. Your posts show how personable and friendly you are. It is so nice to get to see some of what goes on in the life of a Cardinal.
God bless you!
Your Eminence,
Wow! The Chaplain at my college told me that you had a blog. I believe he’s a friend of yours and I am actually a parishioner of the Archdiocese when I am not at school in VA.
I want to thank-you for making a blog. Especially during Padre Pio’s Feast day!!! Padre Pio is my favorite Saint and I love learning and talking about him all the time. I am so glad that you even posted photos. I pray one day that I will be able to go there but for now at least I can look at! Thank-you so much for everything you’ve done for Boston. You’ve definately inspired and blessed me in many ways. You are always in my prayers. Take care and God bless you!
I have been reading YOUR EMINENCE’s BLOG. You are being guided by a most HOLY purpose: transparency in your spiritual journey. I now can write to you. How joyous! Have read on Therese de Avila.
I write to you from San Juan, Puerto Rico.
I pray for your safe return back Boston!
Your Eminence – I hope & pray while you visit Rome you will spread the news of the Archdiocese’s new devotion to Our Lady of Conciliation. I truly believe She is the answer to so many problems within the World today.
Thank you for sharing your experiences!
An Eminence who has a blog!
Something of very amazing.
I am an italian catholic boy and I am very happy that someone understand these new comunication channels!
Dear padre Se�n, please, go on with your blog and your ministery with the same happiness and joy that these pages show!
In Italian I always say:
ti abbraccio in Cristo –> I embrace you in Christ
Your Eminence
Your BLOG was brought to my attention through an e-mail to the ministers of St. Margaret of cortona Region of SFO’s on the east coast. I have forwarded it to those in our fraternity
here in southern Virginia because many of will never be able to travel and experience Rome as you have. Thank You for including us.
Pace e Bene.
Your Eminence,
Thank you for a wonderful blog and also to all those whom help you. I am only sorry I came across it so late in your trip.
I would like to second Seth’s comments about the Archbishop Fulton Sheen�s efforts to promote the faith through the use of mass media. Websites like this one do help folks like me whom have fallen away, but returned homed. Last year after watching a re-run of Live is worth living I became hooked on the late Archbishop. I have been reading about the early Church Fathers, which I also feel could help in deeping ones Faith.
Now as I explore your efforts in this blog they have all only increased a burning of the Holy Spirit within. Please keep up the efforts and I hope to one day vistit Italy and experince first hand what you have shared with us through cyber space.
In the inspiring words of our POPE
Erros and Agape,
Your Eminence,
I heard about your blog on CBS news. Two of my children (the others are still too young) are Latin students and we are very pleased and amused that the Vatican ATM uses Latin. It will be a part of our visit.
God bless you.
Thet-Shay Nyunt, Petersburg, VA
This is so cool!! I never thought I would see a Cardinal post a blog on the internet. I am not a Catholic but a Presbyterian from Canada…but I went to Rome in late May and saw the Holy Father himself during a general audience. Maybe you should get him to do a blog too!!! (just kidding). I would love to go to Boston one day myself (lots of history-JFK’s birthplace)
Have fun!!
Jo (21 year old girl in Advertising Program)
Your Eminence,
Howdy! from Texas. I’m a 26-year old MBA student and live in the Dallas Diocese. I came across your blog after reading about it in, of all places, The New York Times. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am that you have a blog! Though I obviously wasn’t around at the time, I’ve read alot about the late Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s efforts to promote the faith through the use of mass media, and I have to say I’ve become somewhat of a fan of his.
I sincerely believe we need this kind of evangelization in our Church, especially now. Many people today are confused about Catholicism, even Catholics themselves. I believe media and public relations tools are vastly under-utilized by our Church today. I don’t believe their use will be a blanket solution for the issues facing our Chuch, but I do believe they will help immensly.
Anyway, as a former journalist, current Media Relations coordinator, and practicing Catholic, I can’t tell you how excited I am that you’re maintaining this blog and hope you continue to do so when you return to your Archdiocese of Boston. I hope other leaders in our Church see your example and engage their flock in a similarly modern manner.
Yours in Christ,
Dear Cardinal Sean,
I am twenty-five years old – and I do not have a blog, but I am so happy that YOU do! Regardless of whether you will continue this project or not, its very existence has already taught me two things. One: “Do not be afraid!” and Two: the Church, my Church, is flesh and blood. That is a wonderful thing to know! Thank you!
Iwona S.
Cardinal Sean as an Australian I have enjoyed reading your blog and your explanation of the fine detail in your pictures.
Enjoy your journey. Please continue to add to this wonderful diary, which I discovered through a link on an Australian Catholic Website.
I saw the article about the Cardinal on the September 28th edition of the Houston Chronicle and decided to look. On behalf of the Catholic Student Center in Huntsville, Texas…Cheers!
Kent R.
Cardinal Sean –
I am not Catholic, I am a Protestant, but I found your blog to be very enlightening, educational and entertaining all the same. Please keep posting, I have many Catholic friends who would love to see this blog.
Amy H.
I saw him climb the altar steps
His white head bowed in prayer,
His hands, those graceful hands of his
Bless all assembled there.
And in his face, that holy face,
I saw the years gone by
And all the love and sacrifice
They meant for you and I.
The Sacred Host, the Golden Cup
Raised time and time again,
The hallowed feet that rush to serve
In ways that never end.
We thank you, God, for this great gift
To say the very least,
The incense of humanity
The Holy Catholic Priest.
Kate Watkins Furman
Hi Cardinal Sean- i’m enjoying your blogdiary so much! Have passed it on to friends to read. So informative & interesting. You make your readers feel like we are travelling with you & learning more about the saints & The Church along the way.Thanks & God Bless & keep You in all your travels…
I hope you continue to blog when you return.
(see you sometime at the sisters’ in Dorchester),
(guitarplayer/singer) 🙂
Your Eminence, your blog is wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing your photos and thoughts from Rome. I would like to second the opinion of Fr. Nolan about your new Vicar General, Fr. Erikson. We were pastored by Fr. Rich at Scott AFB and we thank God for such a good priest!
Please keep up the great work you are doing and my God continue to bless you.
Dear Cardinal O’Malley,
I enjoyed your pictures and descriptions of your trip to Rome.
However, given this wonderful medium that you have now made part of your communication arsenal, I would suggest a future blog that focuses on a more Franciscan perspective on the problems of our world. For instance, what do you think the Pope’s role as head of state in this crisis-ridden planet?
This type of blog would help us all get a better understanding of where the church in general and you in particular stand with many issues–Muslim conflict with other religions (and vice versa), immigation, poverty, education and more. Although this is a much tougher blog to write, your perspective and analysis could be invaluable to us–both as Catholics and as general community members.
Good luck with your blogging, you are off to a good start.
Congratulations! I’ve enjoyed each installment and the photos have been wonderful.
Thank you for taking the time to “be in touch” with the faithful.
Enjoyed your blog. As a former AF active duty priest, I had distinct privilege to serve with your Vicar General, Fr. Erikson, when he was a reservist in the Air Force Chaplaincy and when we worked together at the Chief of Chaplains Office in DC. You have chosen the right man for the job. He is a joy to know and an awesome privillege to work with.
Blessings on your day and ministry,
Fr. John Nolan
Diocese of Springfield-in-Illinois
Thank you, Your Eminence, for your blog. I have brought it to the attention of my Catholic midshipmen here at the Naval Academy. It is a useful tool to keep them informed. May God bless you!
Fraternally yours,
Rev. Matthew Lee
Lieutenant Commander, Chaplain Corps
United States Navy
Cardinal Sean,
Congratulations on your elevation.
I came across your web blog and found it to be very interesting and enlightning. Keep it up.
Yours in Christ
Richard Anthony Chiarilli
Very much enjoying the blog. Hope it becomes permanent.
Is wanderful that you are open your website:
My family and I are very happy,
God Love you,
Nora Stajka
Hello Cardinal Sean,
I really enjoyed all the wonderful pictures from your Padre Pio pilgrimage. I am ashamed to say I don’t recall having heard of Friar Pio until I saw a program on EWTN online. The Nuns in the Catholic School I attended many year ago talked about Saints with Stigmata’s but I didn’t recall Fr. Pio’s name being mentioned in 1962 perhaps that was before it was widely discussed int the Church.
I believe that when CHRIST call upon PETER to “FEED MY SHEEP” Fr Pio heard the call. Many have joined the Priest hood because of him.
Good Luck with the new blog! May G-d Bless all of his Church and Israel.
Glenn Simmons
Your Eminence, Cardinal Sean,
Your blog is impressive showing us , the laity, especially, the life of the Roman Catholic Church. The use of photos is brilliant. Thank you for creating a more “open” Church.
God bless you in all that you do as our spiritual leader.
Alice Wadden
St. Luke’s , Belmont
member of the Winchester ARea Voice of theFaithful
Peace! Thank you so much for this blog, especially all the beautiful photos. May God bless you and bless all the Church of Boston.
Your Excellency though not a parishioner I wanted to say thank you for this wonderful endeavor by sharing your trip with your flock and those of us who travel in our thoughts where you were so blessed to traverse.
I hope you continue this sharing with those who cannot follow in your ‘footsteps’ but enjoy seeing the world through another�s eyes.
Blessings to you and yours,
JM Coffey
Thank you your Eminence for aallow me to share a part of your time in Rome. The photos are wonderful. I will be coming back to see more.
God bless you and all your do for Him.
sincerely Philippa.
I refer to the calendar at the right hand side of web page of the Cardinal’s blog I would find it easier reading if the week on this calendar started on a Sunday and not on a Monday.
Reading the blog makes very interesting reading.
Thanking you,
B Mcginley
[email protected]
I thought that your pictures from Rome are beautiful. You should keep up the blog after you return. You can show different areas of Massachusetts that you visit. By the way you can I both share June 29th as our birthdays.
Cardinal O’Malley,
I was truly touched by the pictures on your website. Although you would never remember me, I was a student at St. Fidelis for a year – 1960 ’61 – during the time you were a student there. I later was a Graymoor Friar for five years and am now married and have been teaching high school in Bellingham, MA, a part of the Boston Archdiocese, for the past 33 years.
We visited Santa Maria della Vittoria last February and my wife was part of a choir from the diocese of Providence which sang at a Mass celebrated by Cardinal Law. Actually, we were present at the Papal audience at which you were named Cardinal. Our prayers are with you and we wish you continued success as you lead the Church in Boston.
John Cleary