Cardinal Seán's Blog

Cardinal Seán O’Malley shares his reflections and experiences

My First Post: Pre-Flight To Rome

Good evening.

I�m sure your day has been just as full as mine. I began my day by celebrating mass at the Cathedral Rectory Chapel at 7:30 this morning and had a productive meeting with the Presbyteral Council from 10:30 until 2:00 this afternoon. The Council consists of priests who are elected by their peers and we regularly meet to discuss Archdiocesan matters. Their input greatly serves in assisting me as Archbishop and I�m always grateful for their time. In addition to several other meetings, I read through my mail and just had enough time to pack my bag.

Thank you for visiting my blog. This is my first experience writing a blog, as it�s also a new venture for the Archdiocese.

Communicating with, supporting and serving Catholics of the Archdiocese at each of our Parishes are our top priorities. This blog is our newest effort to speak directly with you, as I�m looking forward to sharing my Rome experiences with everyone.

As I return to the Eternal City, only a short time since the Consistory, someone asked me this week, what are my favorite memories from that time in March. My fondest memories are from being with my family during that joyous occasion. Looking back, I was also so happy � and surprised � with having over 500 people with us from Boston in Rome.

The honor that the Holy Father bestowed upon me, is an honor that I share with you and all of Boston. We are united as Catholics and I hope we can share together my experiences in Rome through this blog.

Well, shortly we will be leaving my office at the Cathedral to go to Logan Airport. I will be flying to Rome tonight, accompanied by Fr. Brian Bachand, who loyally serves as Secretary to the Cardinal.

While I am not looking forward to the many many hours of travel that we are facing, I am looking forward to the opportunity to quietly read, prepare for Rome and hopefully catch a few winks of sleep. Our itinerary says that we will be flying for almost nine hours total and shortly after our arrival at the Vatican we will be traveling immediately to San Giovanni Rotondo, where Padre Pio�s Shrine is located. I�ve heard so much about San Giovanni Rotondo and I am so excited to finally visit.

I think I�m taking more books than I can possibly read – my carry-on bag will be bursting at the seams�.hopefully security lets me through the gates.

Please pray for me on this important trip and join me in praying for our Archdiocese.

Thank you again for visiting my blog.

The next time I write to you, it will be from Rome. Before I go, I want to share with you a beautiful slideshow created by photographer George Martell. It captures many of the joyous moments from the Consistory events.

Please enjoy:

God bless,

Cardinal Se�n